
"Vigilance is the price of freedom."
NATO motto


Dr. Karl A. Lamers

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

In a consistent continuation of my lifelong political commitment to peace and freedom, I want to contribute by supporting and honoring young people who act in this spirit.

Therefore, in 2018, I founded my foundation, the "Dr. Karl A. Lamers Peace Foundation."

The foundation is based in Heidelberg.

Its goal is to empower students, scholars, and researchers in the region, country, and institution that have significantly influenced my life:

  • My constituency, Heidelberg/Weinheim
  • The Republic of Lithuania and the
  • Parlamentarische Versammlung der NATO bis 2022
  • Deutsche Atlantische Gesellschaft (DAG) / Youth Atlantic Treaty Association Germany (YATA) ab 2024

The future requires experience. That's why I continue to personally engage.

Yet, the future also requires the convincing commitment of young people. It is up to them if we want to continue living in peace and freedom tomorrow.

Kind regards


Take a look on our recent flyer

Support us

Donations received in these days will also be used to support people coming from Ukraine to our region. The board will decide on the use of the funds.

Donation Account:
Dr. Lamers Friedens-Stiftung
DE87 6709 2300 0033 1363 58
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